Community Care Gaming

Community Care Gaming, previously ESG Gaming is a non-for-profit organisation working to understand how esports and virtual reality might reduce loneliness and social isolation; reduce the risk factors for dementia, and enable recovery for people recovering from a Stroke with a focus on those aged 50yrs and above. They wanted an entire brand refresh and we supported just that.

ESG Gaming was originally founded in 2021 and believed its focus would be on working collaboratively with the gaming, gambling and tech spaces to develop and write Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reports for those businesses. ESG quickly realised that they were not offering something unique and being honest with themselves, there were far better and more established organisations providing these services. So like any agile start-up, they pivoted quickly into what they do today. Just a few years later they contacted us to support them, here’s how we did it:

  1. Brand name: We workshopped a handful of new brand names that fit the purpose of the work being done whilst also aiming for a name that was able to explain with ease what the organisation might stand for; after multiple voting rounds and feedback Community Care Gaming was selected.

  2. New logo: We knew the logo had to represent our med-tech goals but also our protective and caring past, we combined a heart rate monitor look and feel with a shield emblem but kept it fluid and not feel corporate.

  3. Graphical styles, brand colours and guidelines: Alongside the name and logo we totally rehauled the wider look and feel of the brand, whilst keeping it familiar (keeping the light blue) but including bolder concepts throughout.

I really do like Community Care Gaming as our new trading name, and with the refreshed brand too, both come together really well. Entrusting Get In to deliver this work for us was a no-brainer as they really know us as an organisation and have seen our work at firsthand. I am hugely grateful to Get In for instigating this and this is definitely our brand for the long term. Following a strategy day with the team last month, during February / March we are going to launching two new organisations to sit alongside Community Care Gaming which when taken together will demonstrate the breadth and scope of our work within gaming, gambling, Healthtech and research.  
— Lee Willows, Founder Community Care Gaming

It was a pleasure to support the CCG team with this brand refresh as we’ve been advocates for the great work they are doing now for many years, we value their friendship and look forward to further collaborating with them in the future.


Platform Gaming Bar


ESI Lisbon 2024