FACEIT, a leader in competitive gaming platforms, launched its groundbreaking initiative, FACEIT 2.0, aimed at revolutionising online gaming experiences. This update introduced advanced features like balanced matchmaking, party finders, and anti-smurf technologies, designed to enhance player engagement and fairness​. To amplify the launch, FACEIT entrusted us with leading their social media planning and execution.

Our Approach

  • Strategic Social Media Planning:

    • Developed a comprehensive plan highlighting key features such as FACEIT Clubs, FACEIT Track, and advanced anti-cheat capabilities​.

    • Identified the most engaging formats and timing to maximise user engagement across platforms.

  • Content Creation and Execution:

    • Designed visually striking graphics and dynamic video content tailored to social audiences.

    • Focused on explaining features like party matchmaking and veteran smurf detection in a relatable way​.

    • Utilised player testimonials and gameplay highlights to showcase FACEIT 2.0 in action.

  • Real-time Engagement:

    • Proactively engaged with FACEIT’s community during the campaign, addressing queries and amplifying excitement.

  • Analytics-Driven Optimisation:

    • Monitored performance metrics and adjusted tactics to maximise impact throughout the launch window.


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Santander Esports